Binnacle On Ships

Binnacle On Ships

The binnacle is a cylindrical container constructed from non-ferrous materials, traditionally made of wood in the past. It serves as a housing for various components of the magnetic compass. The top part of the binnacle contains the compass bowl, while the middle section is accessible through a door that accommodates corrector magnets. These magnets are…

Marine Radars

Marine Radars

Marine radar serves as an essential navigational tool, providing crucial assistance in the maritime domain. Its primary purpose is to facilitate the identification, tracking (often equipped with integrated ARPA), and positioning of vessels, including one’s own, in accordance with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs). By utilizing radar, ships can safely navigate…

Parametric Rolling

Parametric Rolling

Rolling and pitching are integral components of the motion experienced by every ship navigating the open sea. When the term “Parametric rolling” is mentioned, it immediately brings to mind a specific form of rolling motion encountered by ships. Rolling and pitching are indeed common movements that occur in various types of ships as a natural…

3 World’s Largest Container Ships in 2023

3 World’s Largest Container Ships in 2023

The shipping industry plays a crucial role in global trade, accounting for about 90% of the world’s trade in goods. Currently, there are more than 50,000 merchant ships operating worldwide, transporting goods across the oceans. Container ships, which carry cargo in intermodal containers, are among the most popular types of vessels used in the industry….

Safety Management System

Safety Management System

The Safety Management System (SMS) is a crucial component of the International Safety Management (ISM) code and is implemented by shipping companies to ensure the safety of their ships and the marine environment. The SMS is an organized system that outlines the policies, practices, and procedures that must be followed to ensure the safe operation…

3 Lifeboat Types on Ship

3 Lifeboat Types on Ship

A lifeboat is a critical piece of safety equipment found on board ships, designed to be used in emergency situations when abandoning the ship is necessary. It is a compact, sturdy vessel that is typically stored on davits for quick deployment in the event of an emergency. Its compact size and efficient launch system allow…

5 Maritime Systems That Ensures Ship Safety And Security

5 Maritime Systems That Ensures Ship Safety And Security

The maritime industry relies on a range of interdependent maritime systems to maintain safety and security at sea. These systems work together seamlessly to track ships, detect potential threats, and provide rapid assistance in times of distress. By working in tandem, these systems keep the shipping industry on course and enable it to operate with…

Tide Clock

Tide Clock

The tide clock, invented by an American innovator over four decades ago, was a crucial maritime device during ancient times. As its name suggests, it was designed to measure the time difference between the occurrences of wave surges, and its effectiveness and practicality made it a valuable tool for comprehending tidal movements and simplifying necessary…

Port of Call

Port of Call

What is the Port Of Call?  A Port of call is a designated location along a ship’s route where it pauses to load or unload cargo, embark or disembark passengers, or take on supplies such as fuel and provisions. It is typically an intermediate stop, rather than the ship’s final destination, and serves as a…